Motivate your team to work more collectively


Invite the beehive to your team meeting, for a conference... or more...


Finance Director at Cisco, now beekeeper, Loïc tells you a wonderful team story; the fascinating story of the collective intelligence of the bees


Have fun learning why and how bees have populated the earth for 50 million years


Think and talk together about a subject that reflects the way you work as a team


And relax !

« Thank you so much for your absolutely captivating speech today! An immersion in the life of bees that has given me a great deal of insight and that I find very moving !

Valérie Guillard, Customer Services Manager Alvadiem

« A very informative, funny and unusual conference! Thank you so much!

Christelle Gomez da Rosa, Sales Manager hôtel Mercure Courchevel ****

«  A truly fascinating talk on the parallel between the world of bees and the functionings of our society, and in particular our companies, carried by a humble and dynamic speaker ! I recommend ++

Jean Sébastien Tronchon, co-fondateur Pause déclic

Motivate your teams to play more collectively


Invite the beehive to your team meeting, for a conference... or more...



Member of management committees and a keen mountaineer (with several expeditions to the Himalayas), Loïc is convinced that building confidence in each individual, based on who they are, is a major key to individual fulfilment and collective performance. He set up a Leadership Development programme at Cisco EMEA in 2015.


Fascinated by bees, social animals that have been performing for over 50 million years, Loïc founded Happycultures to observe them and understand them better.